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03/22/20 9:19 PM

#8152 RE: Aytutrack #8144

Attention required here please


03/22/20 9:45 PM

#8164 RE: Aytutrack #8144

Aytu fate depends on below answer

If you have one medical supplies, will you give it to swab test positive case or serological rapid test positive case?


03/22/20 9:50 PM

#8168 RE: Aytutrack #8144

No time. someone please answer this..


03/22/20 9:55 PM

#8169 RE: Aytutrack #8144

Serological test is the frontline screening
If anybody has positive result from serological test
2nd PCR test is recommended for CV confirmation


03/22/20 10:30 PM

#8185 RE: Aytutrack #8144

Serological rapid test of $AYTU looks for 2-results... IGG and IGM antibodies elevated.. If a patient presents with a fever, cough, chest tightness, and other signs of COVID19 infection, the AYTU rapid test would be a good screening... If IGG and IGM antibodies are positive - it's over 90% sure, the person has COVID19 and should be hospitalized and confirmation tested if showing acute symptoms. If only IGG is elevated, it could be that the patient had COVID19 in the past, but not likely current condition is caused by COVID19.

If neither antibody is present, then very likely not COVID19 as a cause of the fever.

HOWEVER... it takes several days for IGM to increase in a patient's immune system, so if a patient is screened and negative, especially immediately after contracting a fever, it could possibly be that the patient's immune system hasn't produced detectable antibodies yet, and a second screening test would be warranted if symptoms persisted or the standard COVID19 PCR test performed, which actually looks for the RNA genetic footprint of the virus in the sample...