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Big Brother

03/22/20 8:22 AM

#4635 RE: Riblindman #4634

Back then he was part of a penny stock promoting outfit, along with William Nalley, called 'Stocks That Move', this would have been 2013-2014, they sent out a newsletter promoting RAFA, usually making ridiculous price predictions and other highly speculative BS.

This was one of them, of course the stock never went to $5, instead it went sub-penny, there was never a deal with Sistema, never any 'billions' in sales. Rafarma, the Russian pharmaceutical plant operator, was eventually(2017) bought out by the PROTEK Group, and the US investors in RAFA didn't get squat in that deal.


As of 8/11/2014 the company's main office or incorporation has been moved from Utah to Switzerland.

David Anderson, CFO, has been removed and replaced by Bruno Horn, and two additional directors - Bill Bailey and Charles Corimer - have been added.

I think that this deal with Sistema will close next week, and I do believe the company will do sales in the billions. I still believe the 18-24 month target will be 5.00 plus.

I own 1,700,000 shares, most of which I received as compensation. I would buy, not sell: this is not a fraud. In my opinion the risk is fantastic.

I expect added mngt and a huge infusion of money that will not be dilutive, and large contracts.

Sistema is a 140 billion dollar company and the equivalent of the Berkshire H of Russia.
