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03/18/20 7:21 PM

#599155 RE: Bostonsesco #599150

READ the positive Details in the Article ...

the amt of capital needed to survive severe economic hardship,
is estimated at about $26.1 billion.

(Fannie already has $14.67 Bil !!!)

AGC released a reform timeline for the government-sponsored enterprises
with further details about the capital rule, which will
come in several parts.

As of the end of December 2019, Fannie Mae had $14.67 billion
in capital, while Freddie Mac had $9.1 billion.

Stark noted that it's important to point out that even in 2008,
Fannie and Freddie would've survived without government intervention.

He said they had plenty of capital at that time.

While most banks were facing a liquidity crisis, the GSEs
were dealing with accounting problems.

Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's numbers

The critical capital level, which is the amount the GSEs
need to exit conservatorship, is estimated at around

$11.19 billion for Fannie Mae. Stress test capital,

which is the amount of capital needed to survive
severe economic hardship, is estimated at about
$26.1 billion.