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03/15/20 2:53 PM

#9270 RE: lesgetrich #9269

So you are content with the rate at which Inmed is progressing - especially in regards to biosynthesis?

Are you content with the level of transparency and updates they provide?

You happy with investor relations not responding to email inquiries? (and before you say "they can't reveal anything to you" blah blah, I am well aware of that. They don't even provide a "form letter response" to actually let you know they received an inquiry and will update in due time...nothing ever).

So you are good with a company treating shareholders like that?

Adams has yet to have his feet held to the fire and actually answer for the milestone delays (by the way - HE is the one setting the timelines not us so he should be held accountable when those timelines are delayed).

These are basic things that companies do all the time and Inmed should not be given a free pass. Period.


03/15/20 9:01 PM

#9276 RE: lesgetrich #9269

I really do not see how you can blame the stockholders for the share price.
It is the CEO that is being paid the big salary, but you are saying it is the stockholder that is the problem.
Let’s call a spade a spade ok.
Sleep on it!!!!!