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03/13/20 12:52 PM

#4992 RE: BoilerRoom #4990

Looks like you bought that hook, line, and sinker. I'm not defending the Clintons, or most politicians for that matter. But Trump is a lying misogynistic grifter.


03/13/20 12:52 PM

#4993 RE: BoilerRoom #4990

Agreed. Record low unemployment, most robust economy in decades, rising wages (even though the left refutes this), strengthening of the military, etc, etc, etc. of course they will say he’s doing a terrible job with this current issue, but they say that about EVERY issue. Nobody in the WORLD was ready for this. And why isn’t anybody holding China accountable for this mess? Yet China wants to blame us? F’ing ridiculous!


03/13/20 1:10 PM

#5017 RE: BoilerRoom #4990

It's incredible that, despite all the evidence to the contrary, you could really be making that statement with a straight face & believe what you are saying. This must have been what it looked like when Erdogan took power...Just A core base of supporters willing to believe anything they are told, no matter how outlandish.

As a political scientist, I just find the whole phenomenon amazing, watching how a dictator can drive such blind loyalty. Scary as well. Fear for America.