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03/13/20 11:38 AM

#149 RE: aidytrader #148

I'm not very well versed in these stocks. But they are on the Swiss Exchange and this is an ADR stock. Which is a cheaper option to own cause main stock is like 300 bucks a share. Like every 8 shares here equates to 1 ROG share. JP Morgan handles the dividends on this stock.

Space Cats

03/13/20 9:33 PM

#166 RE: aidytrader #148

It is curious. Not sure why.

As another example, Roche's other QX ticker, RHHBF, did better than this one with a 25% gain and over 3.6M in dollar volume today...and is now priced at $374, like any big board stock of it's size in that sector.

There are obviously some clear benefits...that someone smarter than me can hopefully enlighten us about.