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03/12/20 7:17 PM

#118341 RE: Another Casualty #118340

That money would have paid for all those in the states that will need hospital care....assholes.


03/12/20 8:09 PM

#118344 RE: Another Casualty #118340

Everyone knew a correction was long over due. The virus is a great excuse and I would rather see this than a people war a war on bugs brings the world together just war makes folks pick sides and is just nasty. This is a turning point for our global economy and tho inconvenient it is necessary. Look at historical charts of the 20’s and 30’s the motor car stocks lost 80% but the industry survived and a new era was born. MGM dropped 50% because it was a mental refuge I see the same thing here. Cannabis will be like movies and other entertainments when folks are sad they want to escape their lives cannabis works a charm for that and does not cause bad side effects like liquour and harsher drugs. For anyone who has not noticed the streets this down turn has been on for a while now it just was not permitted to effect the big names on the board. I have lived here for 60 years and we never had homeless people. Now they are everywhere. The cannabis industry will continue just like the auto industry did. The companies that have the best products will survive there will be consolidation and some will go away. I believe Canopy is like the ford motor company, they were first. Bruce had the wit to push the brand hard and he did us a favour. I do not hold Canopy now but I will. If I was able to do that renty thing I would be doing the same as doubleagle and drivepact but Im in Canada and have not found it possible. The new age coming out of this will see the rise of online gaming (accelerated by this virus it seems) alternative energy and weed, those are what will pull the world into a shiny new era of wonder. Telemedicine will certainly get a boost here too.
One thing I find unfortunate is the name of the virus, it seems many Americans think you can catch it from the beer. That does not help Constellation’s balance sheet. That and the fact parties are discouraged at this time it may bring weakness to the mother ship. All that being said, Canopy still has 2 billion to deploy no matter what the near term brings.