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03/12/20 12:24 PM

#2369 RE: happyglass #2368

That is awesome!... I'm a big memorabilia buff myself... sports specifically... have a ton of NY Yankees stuff from the 1960's and up...

I happen to love unboxing clips... Do you post your unboxings on any social media?... I see them on Twitter & You Tube all the time... you may have some influencer marketing in you...

On another note... been in the market a long time... never seen anything globally quite like this... these are extraordinary times... historical indeed...

IMO... current events are setting us up for a macro global event... cryptic yes... tin foil hat... maybe... lol!... regardless... the timing of all of this is impeccable... think about it...

I am collecting for my weed museum and the fun of doing “unboxing” videos lol! Do you know I have the shareholder book from the meeting that shifted Tweed to Canopy? I have the swag tshirts in their original boxes they gave us too. I wish I had the foresight to get Bruce to sign it at the time :) This is a historical moment and I want to document it!



03/12/20 1:00 PM

#2370 RE: happyglass #2368

Happy...a true super sleuth for recognizing (and hoarding) all things MJ for personal satisfaction, shock and awe for other aficionados as time passes and potential significant financial gain when value exceeds the mental attachment to the piece..if ever.

Guys 'generally' have a difficult time focusing on most anything at this level. Their brain is splintered in too many directions hunting and gathering what they need for 'THAT' day..rinse and repeat tomorrow.

I feel that lacking the ability to give birth figures into this equation somehow which places the male at a disadvantage in many areas from the get go.

Happy knows the secret..but don't expect her to divulge it anytime soon...


03/12/20 1:06 PM

#2371 RE: happyglass #2368

Fed to pump more than $500 billion into short-term bank funding, expand types of security purchase...

This is good news... not sure if it is enough stop the bleeding... throwing another bandage on the gash... if this fails... there isn't much more they can do except print more money...