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webster groves

12/09/06 11:55 PM

#230630 RE: ergo sum #230625

I stated my question in a previous post. I am looking for a technical answer. If no one wants to discuss the matter - fine. But your comback with strawman diversions offers no substance.

Let's try again - why were there forced eruptions from specific areas 15 floors below the falling debris when no windows are otherwise expelled in higher floors ? Seems stange to me, but you think only conspiracy nuts ask questions, while the cognescenti know all is well.

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12/10/06 9:21 AM

#230696 RE: ergo sum #230625

LOL!!!.....2 jumbo jets full of fuel hit two skyscrapers and explode setting off an inferno and you think it took additional explosives to bring those buildings down?...idiot....the military uses JP5 jet fuel....commercial aviation uses JP4....not much diff between the 2....any idea what that shit is like?...ever seen a fire at an airport being fought?...any idea why they use foam to put the fire out? you're a half wit.....i'll tell you why.....YOU DAMN NEAR CAN'T PUT THE SHIT OUT ONCE IT'S LIT!!!....yeah.....heats up and burns like no man's business and the temp is would have no problem weakening steel girders in those 2 buildings....conspiracy on 9-11 my ass you clues nut job.....BRIG