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03/12/20 10:44 AM

#229157 RE: DewDiligence #229156

Sometimes I think of RVNC, given that you'll probably be a lot more glabellar lines caused by stress, but then if everybody's staying further away from each other they'll be less noticeable...


03/12/20 11:41 AM

#229160 RE: DewDiligence #229156

<Is anybody buying anything today?>
Sandwich, around 10 am PST. Woke early, so hungry now!

Stocks, no...storm did not yet passed! It is just few small *lightening*!


03/12/20 11:42 AM

#229161 RE: DewDiligence #229156

The bargains are bountiful, just not today. Doing my homework and making a Christmas list.

Fred Kadiddlehopper

03/12/20 12:18 PM

#229162 RE: DewDiligence #229156

Yes, canned goods, dried pasta and toilet paper. LOL


03/12/20 12:30 PM

#229164 RE: DewDiligence #229156

There might be some tradable positions here, but I think the market still has room on the downside. I hear too many people still writing this off as overblown and don't understand the scope of the disease or the level of social distancing that is going to have to happen.

I'm holding off.


03/12/20 12:38 PM

#229165 RE: DewDiligence #229156

I put the order for MDGL @65. About for 40% of my current MDGL position. Hope for tax-loss selling by 3Q/4Q-2020?


03/12/20 12:46 PM

#229166 RE: DewDiligence #229156

i bought RVNC, GSK, KPTI, ESPR and AMZN


03/12/20 1:05 PM

#229169 RE: DewDiligence #229156

Is anybody buying anything today?

Dew, not me. I sold some ENTA yesterday and tried to sell some TRIL and EXEL also but was a bit too optimistic as to what price I could get. I also came close to selling my FTSV as it was some $2 below the GILD buyout price but figured I would hold tight on that.

Sadly, I don't see a bottom yet. As testing ramps up we will finally begin to get a handle on the extent of the COVID-19 spread, then more draconian efforts to control further spread will be asked for or mandated. A sad and worrisome day for sure.


03/12/20 1:28 PM

#229172 RE: DewDiligence #229156

Picked up some VET (on TSX at $4.53 about an hour ago.)

As I type, it's now at $4.96, pays a 58% dividend on my purchase price.

I expect to be out of this in less than a year with a double including dividends.

It also trades on NASD with the same ticker. Company is Vermillion, sector is energy(oil and gas).


03/12/20 10:47 PM

#229191 RE: DewDiligence #229156

NuGenerex Immuno-Oncology (NGIO) has filed the initial public filing of a Form 10.

SEC Form 10 is a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), also known as the General Form for Registration of Securities. It is used to register a class of securities for potential trading on U.S. exchanges. Any company with over $10 million in total assets and 750 or more shareholders is required to file a Form 10 with the SEC. Any company under these thresholds may file a Form 10 voluntarily. The Form 10 registration statement automatically becomes effective sixty days post-filing.

Oh btw


03/13/20 7:36 AM

#229195 RE: DewDiligence #229156

CNQ and SU (no bios yet)