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10/07/03 4:06 AM

#7445 RE: IVRT #7444

Take a look at this: I got into DNAgenomics via a search engine. Guess this will have to be a test/
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10/07/03 6:22 PM

#7517 RE: IVRT #7444

IVRT, This is the complete translation, it is tough to quickly read though. If you you take about 10-15 minutes to read it you can kind of get a grasp at what the author's saying. Its also interesting to get a German authors point of view when discussing Americans, notice how the author refer's to black and white Americans: "White One's" and "Black one's" LOL. I'm going to read it again to see what else I get out of it, I noticed the article making alot of reference's to how the ancestrybydna kit could cause social controversy.

The Biotechfirma DNAPrint Genomics in Sarasota, Florida, took Friday committed 50. Anniversary of the discovery of the DNA structure to the cause to raise the price for one of their most in demand products: Its hereditary property analysis service Ancestry costs dollar (295 euro) instead of so far 160 now 319. The enclosing text informs the fact that ancestors of humans spread before 200,000 years over the earth and "justified races". Therefore one experiences "only with a view into the own genetic code", which race one actually embodies. The offer: "European, Ostasiaten, Suedasiaten, Afrikaner, Ureinwohner America." Who doesn't want to know, he belongs to which race? However, wenn's would go, please only not to the African. Because black ones, which Wissenschafter want to have proven, are whether their genes illness, also still more behandlungswiderspenstiger than white ones. In the darwinistischen sense anyhow not the "Fittesten". Remarkably at this particularly in the USA to normality genetic racingism become is meanwhile nearly already the cultural change in the argumentation and the acceptance of its theses. Attempts to sort ethnical groups scientifically came - in recent past - first from the geisteswissenschaft. Without success, as the last appropriate scandal showed: In the book The Bell Curve polemisieren the psychologist Richard gentleman stone and the sociologist Charles Murray, on the intelligence scale of mankind would stand for Asians and Jews completely above, black ones however completely down. Even if the genetics is assumed as a cause, nevertheless a soziooekologische reason is the center of attention. The protest was enormous. Now however the natural science forces the race illusion. Genetiker argue with results human of the Genome Project for the decoding of the human hereditary property and human the Genome Diversity Project, which sorts the human race mixture genetically. The necessary acceptance seems sudden to be in the population there. Why?

Welfare promise. . . There molecular biology putting ions of cancer patients, hereditarysuffering and other Siechen almost daily new welfare promises makes, may not be not wrong to all appearances realizations of Genetikern simply. Too much hope stands on the play. And few play-crude one keeps manipulativ with the cross in chess. The gene Gurus Craig Venter and Francis Collins spoke already with the presentation of the decoded human gene COM following of many as determinant of its faith outstanding Bible of the decoded "book of the life". In the holy writing of biology be located to gene for gene the secret of human existence. Thus obviously also the race characteristics readable therein must be part of this recent genetic revealing. Differently than after The Bell Curve remains the public proclamation whether the new race-genetic crusade today to a large extent out. Critics stress like the genetiker David Goldstein of the University college London that it does not give a scientific proof for a rassische demarcation. Make ever more physician with the politically correct equal treatment of white ones and black conclusion nevertheless. Race becomes diagnostic criterion, which orders therapies strike-color-dependently. The reason lies not least in relevant research results, which were published by specialized journals: Haemochromatosis, a hereditary iron memory illness, is unknown with Chinese and Indian, emerges however with Sweden. The deadly Tay Sachs illness is particularly common with in Europe and North America living Jew. Black ones are more susceptible to Sichelzellenanaemie - this hereditary disease spread in the southern Africa, because for it the responsible person offers defective gene protection from the malaria.

. . . and disservice "leaving we such differences consciously under the table to fall", argues genetiker Neil Risch of the Stanford University, "proves we to minorities in the long run a disservice." Critics fear, such the science already proved - above all to a Ethnie: According to further US studies black ones suffered six times more frequently than white ones at the blindly making eye disease Glaukom, reacted to antidepressives more slowly and showed by 40 per cent more side effects - why they should get also smaller doses -, with blood high pressure, would get frequent Prostatakrebs and black women exhibited a death rate higher around 350 per cent during or after a birth four times more frequently would briefly die than white. Such race-specific research served according to critics meanwhile also as explanation, why the life expectancy of black ones amounts to 70.2 years, those of white one 76,8. The fact that however US citizens do not get white skin color a worse medical supply than white ones, even if they earn just as much and is just as well insured, soziokulturelles Gelaber from yesterday seems to be to, today is hoerig one the biotechnology. The differences between Ethnien are infinitesimal: are alike to 99.9 per cent of the genes with all humans. Rassengenetiker argue however that accurately the remaining tenth per cent has greatest importance, finally differ humans from the schimpansen also only in 1,3 per cent of its hereditary property and are humans and ape completely different kinds nevertheless. This development is not surprising. Racingism in the science has tradition. Hippokrates about considered Asians weak intimate. And at present tinker genetiker at improved DNA analyses for the US judicial authorities. So that this on the basis genetic scene-pure still faster find out, belongs to which race of the authors. It appears interesting in this connection that 45 per cent of all passengers of US death cells black ones are, although these constitute only 13 per cent of the population.

Good Luck,
