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03/08/20 4:25 PM

#670 RE: McMoneybags #669

Intelsat is the largest holder of C-Band --- Verizon is the largest beneficiary of 5G (aside from the American people, I guess). With the private booster payments confirmed (see some of my previous posts which also assumed that) it just seems obvious that they would be having meetings.

If $I was to call the FCC bluff, at best, the license gets to fail at dusk and at worst, literally is embroiled in lawsuit for a quarter millenium. It also kills trust of the new holders of license to the FCC that the billions they are paying out won't just be swept up and out from administration to administration and handed out to whomevers buddy cries the loudest.

Or, I am pschic, an insider, or both. More likely neither, most likely a contrarian conspiracy theorist with very little capital to benefit from any of it either way.