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03/06/20 10:00 PM

#118847 RE: THall #118846

When Jake "took over" as CEO I was actually optimistic here for the first time in YEARS. I actually thought Jake was on to something with his first few Tweets. Then NSAV soon went to "No Bid". And now this? WTH??

Imo, rarely do insiders/CEOs in the OTC go to jail. To me, they (not ALL of them, of course!) seem to be able to do whatever the hell they want and ONLY the shareholders suffer. And ESPECIALLY if a company(CONpany?) de-registers with the SEC as NSAV did in 2017). They seem to be able to get away with much, much more. :-(

Of course that was not long after Tilton said NSAV "will continue to be a fully reporting company."

NSAV also announced that it will continue to be an SEC fully reporting company.

There are exceptions, of course:

Imo, "Sneaky J" Tilton has gotten away with far too much for far too long.

But, alas, it doesn't seem to matter. Except to the share price and the shareholders.

And, apparently, there is nothing shareholders can do but suffer. And hope, of course, that in another year or three a company(CONpany?) such as NSAV might do better. :-(

Oh, they can file SEC/FINRA complaints but do they actually go anywhere? I don't think mine did. :-(