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03/07/20 11:07 AM

#170324 RE: Zilidium #170321



It would seem to me that these Confidentiality Agreements are the PRODUCT and EFFORTS of CEO Brett Gross and Alan Williams who have insight and contacts in Large mining Corporations all over the world. The world including USA needs Copper no matter the Corona Hysteria going on (Will pass away like SARS did....anyone remember SARS?).

Apparently, a letter was posted allegedly from James Briscoe allegedly claiming alleged attempts by company to keep him quiet for being removed as CEO and more SUSPECT Claiming 10 million dollars in ALLEGED FUNDING from SHAREOLDERS???

I respect and hope to continue to Respect James Briscoe as Geologist who discovered Hay Mountain ...BUT This Alleged letter from him seems to me NONSENSE which will NOT Hurt company, as this is very common in Public companies, but will Cause needless bad feelings to persist among a few vocal if not completely thoughtful shareholders.

If Mr Briscoe says that he has 10 million dollars now...where was the Deals and Confidentiality agreements when he was CEO??? Instead LBSR was SUED so many times....
Mr. BRISCOE STARTED and caused the TOXIC FINANCING that caused Share price to go to 0.0001 at one point during a day in trading!!!

EVEN IF YOU TAKE THE ALLEGED letter at its word .
The 10 million is a DROP IN BUCKET for project this size. We need UNLIMITED Access to funds. LBSR will of course use Efficient limited high technology methods but ACCESS has to be guarnteed only by Large or Medium Companies. Anything else is foolhardy for a large mine!

The MINING BUSINESS and IT IS A BUSINESS is very INTENSE and TOUGH....100's of Millions poured in before your return of 100's Billions.

I ask Mr. BRISCOE TO lay low, let the Company get an agreement and he will personally be rewarded for his Discovery and who knows maybe get back as Chief Geologist of the Project or be Tasked with company to Discover other Calderas. Any other pursuit hurts mr Briscoe image in eyes of us who respect him as geologist, NOT AS CEO, and will NOT hurt the company as all companies are used to these Personnell matters and may even hurt mr Briscoe legally if he does not cease, any CEO has Fiduciary to protect the Company and as such, I hope we dont do it, but this type of letters need to stop,. I speak as a 15 Year old Very Large Shareholder of LBSR.