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12/08/06 7:19 PM

#10078 RE: Big On Tarvy #10076

I had wondered about that...

..." was a reference to the Cotara GBM trial which is the one product the Company may keep in-house." Because of the bbb, or blood brain barrier, systemic delivery of Bavi or anything is problematic. Other brain cancers (most of them) come in through the central nervous system so the bbb is compromised and thus Bavi should stimulate an immune response.

Nice tidbit.
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12/08/06 7:24 PM

#10079 RE: Big On Tarvy #10076

Registered stock is an attractive way to do a BP partnership.

Maybe someone who keeps track of such things can bring up the posts. That's familiar reasoning that has been posted on just about every shelf and has yet to bear any fruit. I think even katie used that rationalization at one time.

Ez, you know my thoughts on CC's. A pacifier for the investors. Big blunder on the reply to the supporting of UU. You can't fool the pros. I wasn't expecting any data when I got home and no PR. What about Shanghai Meien Biotechnology Co showing as owning chTNT? What happened to Medipharm?
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12/08/06 11:03 PM

#10082 RE: Big On Tarvy #10076

I still believe the Ph II cancer trials starting next summer will be done through BP alliances finalized after the spring data dump.

I hope they do a better job pumping the cancer data than they've done on the HCV data. They got nothing in HCV. Who's to say we'll even hear about cancer data in India..if it's so so...

I cannot believe that IB'rs on the call wanna know why the FDA allowed PPHM to go to INDIA....GEEZUS!!!! LOL!!!! The FDA does not mandate/govern biopharmaceutical companies who wish to conduct their studies abroad, these R&D biotechs don't get permission slips to go to third world countries unless they want to get the data accrued there incorporated into a pivotal study for marketing approval which is seldom, only BP will negotiate this and even they still may not get the green light. Get approval from the FDA first? Holy shit....PPHM's objective in going to India was to test a protocol there which the FDA would not approve yet here. Get some data, quick, and hope to score a lucrative license deal. LOL!!!! The FDA has only inspected minimal sites in India...minimal. LOL!!!!

I'm laughing at the tidpbit. Geez....that's common knowledge.

By averaging the results of the top three cohorts they can avoid revealing where the dosing sweet spot is found.

You can't be serious. AVOID revealing the sweet spot? AVOID....AVOID??????? Hunh???? PPHM WANTS TO KEEP BAVI'S OPTIMAL DOSE TO THEMSELVES???? Why in the hell would PPHM want to keep the optimal dose to themselves.....LOL!!!!

Boy hidey, I've read it all today and still haven't listened to the call.
