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02/28/20 11:30 AM

#11295 RE: Ann1 #11275

With all due respect what do you mean I should listen to full statements and not condensed tweets? I pasted President Trump's tweet. I didn't condense anything. He wrote it, and has to own it. You don't like my news source (CNN), but the tweets and quotes are on every news site in the world (except those that choose to avoid publishing them). Below are two paragraphs copied and pasted from your NPR link. Dr. Fauci says they "hope", and that it's not unreasonable to assume. Good start there, though he reminds we don't know enough. Dr. Messionnier takes a very different tone, and I'm sure you know that President Trump was upset with her comments. I honestly dont want to fight with you. I do think it's dangerous if the President minimizes the risk, and what I'm writing are just word for word quotes from the President. I'm not changing words to meet my agenda. These are quotes. I think you know now that President Xi did not say what you attributed to him in Trump's tweet, but rather it was Trump himself. Im sure you didnt mean to change the wording, but some news sources do that to help their agenda. And the original poster you replied to was exactly right in his quote. All of these from both of us are word for word quotes. But anyway, from your article you supplied the link to:

"It's not unreasonable to make the assumption" that cases will die down come spring, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told NPR. "We hope when the weather gets warmer it will diminish a bit," he says.

But he sounds a cautionary note: "However, we don't know that about this [new] coronavirus. We don't have [a] backlog of history."

Dr. Nancy Messionnier of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sounds a similar note when it comes to predicting a slowdown of cases with warmer weather. "I think it's premature to assume that," she said during a call with reporters on Wednesday. "We haven't been through even a single year with this pathogen."

I'm fine with the President trying to calm the country. We don't need unreasonable fear or actions that make things worse. But I'd also like the President to not undermine the CDC, the WHO, and other doctors and medical experts who are more concerned than he is. Expediting clinical trials would be a step in the right direction in my opinion. That may not happen if the government is downplaying the significance of Covid-19. I promise I'm done now. You can absolutely have the last word on this. I hope for investors and the world that GNBT has the answer to keep this virus at bay.

Have a great day