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Mysterious Mose

02/26/20 12:43 PM

#1682 RE: Inve$tor77 #1681

A lot can happen that they won’t announce in those two months. Good luck getting back in if the stock goes current overnight. I’ll be putting all my extra funds here every week. I’d like to get to 10 million shares before liftoff.


02/26/20 1:20 PM

#1684 RE: Inve$tor77 #1681

Looks like some are tired of holding

I haven't been investing in shell/custodian/reverse merger plays for anywhere close to as long as you and some others have, but it seems like people are getting less and less patient these days. Do you feel that way, or is it just me? I see it with a number of stocks I'm in, where people are complaining that things aren't happening "fast enough". AWON seems to me to be moving along at a normal pace, yet I'm sure you're right that some people get tired/impatient and move on