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02/24/20 8:34 PM

#50807 RE: Dw king #50806

Maybe XXII’s CEO can answer those questions?


02/24/20 8:55 PM

#50808 RE: Dw king #50806

I just explained how Digital Marketing works in 2020 and you insist on sticking by your Analog (old school) model, which is fine.

Social Media is all about "sharing" information and ideas with your network of friends, family and contacts.

I own XXII at lower prices, current price and higher prices as I've been accumulating for the past 3 years.

I truly believe XXII will achieve 1% of the market from basically word-of-mouth advertising alone.

Example of a Social Media post. Note: This is first draft, it could be shorter and better but you get the idea of it's powerful impact.

*********BREAKING NEWS: If you or someone you care about is a smoker, read and share this encouraging news. My sister has Kicked Her 30 Year nicotine habit and can now taste food again! We've all lost a family member or friend to smoking. Let's all do our part in getting the message out. Pass it on guys!" Here's a link to their website (or video if available and allowed)


02/24/20 8:59 PM

#50809 RE: Dw king #50806

"Where do you think this will go in the next 30-60 days"

Sorry, I'm a long term investor and not a trader so I never try to predict short term moves for stocks.

Good luck to you though.