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02/22/20 10:22 AM

#306485 RE: arvitar #306484

One can be sure that if the technology EVER could do anything remotely close to what Bordynuik claimed it could, he would be back at the company earning billions, rather than trying to make pennies on Gummy Bears.

Bingo! Ding! Ding! Ding!!!


02/22/20 10:34 AM

#306486 RE: arvitar #306484

One can be sure that if the technology EVER could do anything remotely close to what Bordynuik claimed it could, he would be back at the company rather than trying to make Gummy Bears.

The batshitters would have you believe Bordynuik is just happy to hang onto his disputed remaining 'lottery tickets' and hope for a miracle sale.

Clutching those 'lottery ticket' PTOI shares like a complete dolt instead of lining his pockets with sales of P2O fuel each and every day.

He'd rather eat algae and figure a new way to have the taxpayers support his lifestyle.

That's how much he believes in the 'beast'