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11/25/20 2:20 AM

#359367 RE: fuagf #339899

Far-right terrorism grows in West as global deaths from attacks hit five-year low

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By Tracey Shelton Posted 1h ago

Most terrorism attacks happen in developing countries, the vast majority of them as part of an ongoing conflict.
(AP: Felipe Dana, file photo)

Global deaths from terrorism have fallen for a fifth consecutive year, according to the 2020 Global Terrorism Index, but in the past decade a new threat has been emerging, with far-right attacks increasing significantly in many regions.

Key points:

* The global economic impact of terrorism fell by 25 per cent in 2019

* With two terrorist attacks in 2019, Australia ranked 74 of 163 nations on the terrorism index

* Ninety-six per cent of terrorism occurred in the context of an ongoing conflict

The report, which was compiled by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) and released today, summarises global trends in terrorism and ranks countries in order of those most affected in terms of both casualties and economic costs in 2019.

Steve Killelea, executive chairman of IEP, said the latest report revealed some surprising but positive news, including a 15 per cent drop in terrorism globally last year and a 59 per cent decrease since 2014.

This was partly due to the collapse of Islamic State territories and the subsequent de-escalation of conflict in the Middle East.

"More countries have improved this year than [in any other year] since the inception of the index — 103 countries improved compared to only 35 which deteriorated," Mr Killelea told the ABC.

"That's really good news."

"But still, we understand about 13,800 people died in terrorist attacks in 2019 so, although it seems to be declining at the moment, it's still a serious issue."

The global economic impact of terrorism also fell by 25 per cent in 2019 to $US16.4 billion ($22.28 billion).

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The Global Terrorism Index ranks countries in order of those most affected by terrorism.(Supplied)

Australia ranked 74 out of 163 nations listed in order of those most affected by terrorism.

Mr Killelea said only two terrorist attacks were recorded in Australia in 2019, including an attack on a dairy farm by animal liberationists.

"Neither of those attacks resulted in any injury, so if you look at it from an Australian perspective, compared to globally, we're not in too bad a position."

The highest-ranked countries were Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Syria, Somalia and Yemen.

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Since the inception of the Global Terrorism Index (GTI) in 2012, the top 10 countries have always been developing nations and almost always nations suffering internal conflicts.

"Less than 1 per cent of all deaths through terrorism happen in advanced Western economies," Mr Killelea said.

Thomas Morgan, senior research fellow at IEP, said there was often a "misconception" that terrorism predominantly occurred in Western nations.

"There is a misconception based in the coverage levels in the media … but also because 96 per cent of terrorism occurred in the context of an ongoing conflict," he said.

He said because they happened in the context of war, they received less attention than attacks elsewhere.

Mr Morgan feared the economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic could have an impact on both the level and the types of terrorism that would happen in the coming years.

"Between 2011 and 2019, riots and violent demonstrations in the West increased by 277 per cent," he said.

"There are serious concerns that the deteriorating economic conditions will lead to more people becoming alienated and susceptible to extremist propaganda."

Far-right attacks up by 250 per cent over five years

Of the 39 deaths due to terrorism in the US last year, 34 were attributed to far-right extremists.(Reuters: Go Nakamura)

INSERT: It's fair to say some fraction of that, albeit a relatively small fraction, could be seen to be encouraged by Trump.

Of all Western nations, the United States ranked the highest at number 29, with 53 attacks and 39 deaths last year.

[Tearex, Sadly anti-Antifa conspiracy bullshit is not going to miraculously disappear. Conspiracy-mongering
is no Covid-19, but it is virus of a different nature, also not yet under control in America.
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But those figures revealed a new trend developing in terrorism. Of those deaths, 34 were attributed to far-right extremists.

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ASIO director-general Mike Burgess says "small cells" of right-wing extremists are regularly
gathering to salute Nazi flags, inspect weapons and "disperse their hateful ideology".
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Mr Killelea said far-right groups including neo-Nazis, ultra-nationalists and white supremacists were responsible for a total of 89 deaths in 2019.

"Admittedly it's only low numbers, but we have a 250 per cent increase in attacks
by the far-right in the last five years," he said.

But 51 of those deaths occurred in a single incident when a gunman opened fire in two mosques in Christchurch .. , New Zealand.

The report said over the past 50 years, there had been 13 far-right terrorist attacks that had each killed more than 10 people, compared to 24 Islamist attacks, and three linked to other ideologies.

But as attacks by Islamic State (IS) continue to decline, the balance is slowing shifting.

Mr Killelea said while the rise of the jihadist was a new phenomenon that peaked in 2014 and had since been declining, in the days of the Cold War "terrorism was related around left and right terrorism groups".

Right-wing terrorist attacks have been increasing in recent years. (Supplied: Institute for
Economics and Peace)

Keeping the downward curve

Mr Killelea said the main factors that had contributed to the decrease in terrorism were the territorial defeat of IS and the easing of conflicts within Syria and Iraq.

In fact, the Middle East region recorded its lowest number of deaths since 2003.

But IS is far from gone. The group and its affiliates still claimed responsibility for attacks in 27 countries last year.

"They are a long way from a spent force," Mr Killelea said, adding a shift in IS's "centre of gravity" into sub-Saharan Africa caused a spike in terrorism deaths in seven nations.

However, it was the Taliban that remained the world's deadliest terrorist group, according to the report.

The Taliban was the world's deadliest terrorist group in 2019. (Reuters: Evgenia Novozhenina, file photo)

Mr Killelea said because 96 per cent of all deaths from terrorism occur in war zones, "we need to reduce the number of conflicts around the globe" if we want to maintain this downwards trend.

Elsewhere, he said "reducing the influence" of terrorist organisations was the key.

"To break these influences, three major initiatives are needed — to break their media coverage and online social networks, disrupt their funding and lessen the number of sympathisers," he said.

"These three things play off each other, so any effective government policy would need to address all three."

Posted 1h ago