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02/21/20 12:11 AM

#4694 RE: ratler3311 #4693

Another one for ya RAT. I am not sure how this will play out. But if my memory serves me right Klaus Brandt was smart and asked permission from Goodenough to use the LFP technology and shortly after Austin University sold the rights to Quebec Hydro. I believe Goodenough didn't come after us because we got his permission A123 and Valance just stole and didn't ask. lol So, there is a good chance that Klaus Brandt could argue he was " given" permission with out any stipulations and could be in theory be the only one in the world to use it for free!Could be grandfathered!! lol I wish I could get paid for this reporting! I am probably the only outsider in this world that knows the history other than are belated GOLD

Patents on batteries are very tricky.. Remember the maintenance free battery 30 years ago. The guy that invented it sued and lost... Judges are very skeptical in protecting battery design because of several factors. One being moon dusting.. Two, the government does not want anyone that can come up with a perfect design based on the marketability of the battery and control the space. Much like Edison and the other that had lightbulb patents. Hell, if Edison improvements were patentable he could have controlled all vacuum related scientific breakthroughs for years. There are many stories that are related to this like AM FM radio. The DuPont's are classic manipulators when it comes to patents. Blackberry is another classic.. And in our backyard Enersys has been grabbing anything in the lithium space as cheaply as possible and paid out 25,000.000 years ago to a small lithium company. These stories had all the element of conspiracies.. Even GM stole the intermittent wipers and got caught. But with energy it's hands off unless an university discovers anything novel. In the case of LFP. Quebec Hydro owns these rights. I am not sure what ever happen to that but they did sue Valance and A123 systems. Both companies file bankruptcy and most of what A123 had left went to China. I think if Monbat had any problems with this Klaus Brandt and Monbat could argue first in use of the concept and design. Maybe that's why they took him on board? CATL of China might be a landmark case in the future.... Never know..