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02/21/20 10:11 AM

#2175 RE: buckdawg #2174

1. Negative? As an investor we have legal rights to know what is happening with the company we have invested with. The leaders of that company have a fiduciary responsibility to provide factual information on a publicly traded entity.

2. If I believe I am right? Look at the facts. They stated 1500 tons of ore was to be shipped to a processor by the end of December with payment in 30 days. We have a legal right as shareholders to know the value of that shipment. SFEG has a fiduciary responsibility to it's shareholders to provide all financial information. Fact#2: in order to get the material they need to get hold, it requires blasting. That blasting registers on the geological teaching databases. There has been no blasting, so where is the ore coming from? Fact #3 it is against federal law to mine without a permit from MSHA. Tell me how a publicly traded mining company can mine in the US without a mining license?

3. End goal is to get these idiots to respond with factual information. If they are doing what they have started, the stick would be above $1. That is my retirement goal. I am in for so low that if it hits where it should be if they provided facts, I would retire. My end goal if they keep lying is to back the SEC in criminal offenses against the leaders of the company. Yes, n it is a criminal act to lie to shareholders and the SEC.

SO, if you want to dispute the facts, please present the evidence.

1. What is the MSHA mining permit number?
2. What is the independent assay values of the 1500 tons of ore?
3. Where and when was the or sent?
4. What is the real value of the ore sent?
5. How is SFEG finding the $275k per month loan payments without any revenue?

Answer all or any of those with factual information and you may have a shred of hope.