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02/20/20 10:50 AM

#73954 RE: Dallas-Cowboys #73953

I agree with your comment 100% and Mr Rubin has to much on his plate right now because he is a 1 man operation for the time being. Lot of people informed me, that this kind of stuff that Mr Rubin is doing, takes much time if you want to do it right and have all your legal stuff lined up properly.


02/20/20 10:50 AM

#73955 RE: Dallas-Cowboys #73953

I could be wrong, but I would think they've already done the biggest expense: buying the shell from Universal Management. Doing all the old SFIO filings wont be free by any means, but I'd think the cost they'll pay the accountant to do that would be far less than the cost of buying the SFIO shell. The fact that they bought SFIO from a well-known custodian means a lot to me. Universal must have done their dd before filing for custodianship in the first place. I'm sure they looked into old debt and anything that could pop up and cause issues down the road. If SFIO is not a very clean shell, then it made no sense to even buy one from a custodian. They could have just done it all themself, like the way Paul Knudson did with TC*EL (now CB*TC). So I think it will be as smooth a process as these things can be, and the costs will be in line with what they were told by Universal from the beginning (I'm sure they had discussions about the approximate cost of going from where it is now to Pink Current). Now if they decide to NOT move forward and go public just because they choose to stay private, that's a different story. But I'd really like to think that it won't be about costs and SFIO, as they really should have known this from the beginning. All just my opinion of course