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02/17/20 11:33 AM

#96311 RE: Heywood4164 #96308

Ok Hey. We get it and you've warned us all. Jason can absolutely destroy all shareholder value here!

It doesn't mean he will, nor does it mean it would be in his or the insiders best interests to do so. Insiders will all make more money if this stock goes up and stays there. If it goes down, Jason can milk this but how much milk do you get out of a dead cow? Any insiders who helped him start this will make nothing off of their equity. Including Jason who we know has not issued his shares as of q3. Can't make bank on shares you don't hold in your hands.

Oh and I've eluded to this quite extensively, but it always gets forgotten. Jason has taken a large majority of his executive pay in shares. Shares that devalue by the day. Shares that would devalue with every dilution play he makes here. It simply doesn't make sense to heavily dilute.... But as you say... he will!!

Not a smart move on his part if he does. If he needed money, he would have taken on more debt. Really milk this hardcore. He did not take on any additional debt in q3 and in fact he stopped conversions from happening recently by personally purchasing 3 of the convertibles. Your level of doom and gloom seems to be at odds with what is happening currently.

As for shares being printed... do some research on how much of it was Restricted vs Floatable shares. Report back!!! :-)