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02/17/20 10:27 AM

#506768 RE: 02opida #506708

Sequans Communications (SQNS)

Micro-cap Sequans Communications is a developer and provider of 5G and 4G chips and modules for IoT devices and has a partnership in place with telecommunications giant Verizon. The network carrier recently launched Sequans’ products, Monarch Go and Monarch GPS, which enable the connection of IoT Devices to Verizon’s LTE Network in much faster speeds compared to previous modules. Verizon is the first carrier to certify the all-in-one modem components.

The company also delivered its Q4 earnings earlier this week and Needham’s Rajvindra Gill is impressed with the print. The 5-star analyst notes the chipmaker has taken major steps to improve its ability to bring its devices to market. Additionally, with new contracts with 2 large distributors, Avnet and RFPD, Gill expects the distribution channels to be key in targeting a massive, yet fragmented, IoT market.