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02/10/20 3:10 PM

#299620 RE: poster44ny #299619

S1 investors lol.


02/10/20 4:11 PM

#299621 RE: poster44ny #299619

There are no S1 Investors. Not one


02/10/20 6:17 PM

#299628 RE: poster44ny #299619

Why isn’t the market buying em up early all the way to .03 then?...
Seems like savvy investors would want in if they know savvy S-1 investors are ready to pounce at .03...
Maybe there’s no volume cause everyone’s waiting for savvy investors?...



02/10/20 8:35 PM

#299634 RE: poster44ny #299619

Completely false...

Investors have all they can stomach of this insolvent dark filing scam at less than half the claimed bottom of the supposed S-1 offering. If investors want them, they've been freely available well below any day's current PPS for months.

.0135 on the ask all afternoon and no takers. Yet Parkinson expects people to believe his long-promised S-1 is priced at .03, .05 and .08 and he's got a bevy of people lined to buy his garbage - seriously? LOL.

Try buying just 5m shares on the open market and see what happens

Try selling that amount on the open market and see what happens. Or half that amount. Or a 1/3rd of that amount. LMAO!

A mere 225k in shares were dumped today and the PPS tanked nearly 6%.


02/10/20 11:47 PM

#299636 RE: poster44ny #299619

S1 investors?
There are none

Only in the mind of thr absolutely pathetic ceo



02/10/20 11:50 PM

#299637 RE: poster44ny #299619

Oh snap has the Fantasy s-1 investors seen the latest lawsuit filed against the absolutely PATHETIC ceo Eric Parkinson?