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02/10/20 9:47 AM

#122198 RE: FergusVI #122196

It’s not so much a question of process as much as it is a question of whether Laken knows how this works.

Take his tweet:

“We have hired a PCAOB firm to do an audit. With that as part of their contract they will then file a form 10. When that is approved usually within 60 days we will be deemed fully reporting again by the SEC.“

“Part of their contract”? Filing the Form 10? Auditors don’t do that. Surely they told him that...assuming he has even actually hired one. And Form 10’s are NOT “approved”. They go effective after 60 days automatically...not before.

And maybe he also doesn’t know that the issuer needs to disclose via 8K who the auditor is within 5 days of hiring them....unless he is only filing 8K’s for stuff he wants