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02/07/20 9:20 AM

#590849 RE: Wise Man #590823

Good post/info. Thanks.


02/07/20 9:29 AM

#590850 RE: Wise Man #590823

Get what now? What is the significance of this filing? So many rules, so many filings. Is there an organization above the law?


02/07/20 12:56 PM

#590911 RE: Wise Man #590823

Does the fact that FNMA is exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act of 1933 have any bearing? Didnt Fannie and Freddie comply with the Securities Act voluntarily?

I think this became an issue with FMCC when they were raising equity prior to the Conservatorship because they had not filed 10-Ks or S-1s before 2008.

Here is a summary of the issue. Perhaps it has no bearing but FNMA and FMCC may be exempt issuers.


02/07/20 2:53 PM

#590925 RE: Wise Man #590823

Yes Wise Man, in the real world I would heap great praise on this gem of a find. To my great regret, we are living in Bizzaro-world where might is right, and big brother can and does what it pleases. The Fannigate story is still unfolding and the evil players are manipulating the rules to profiteer for themselves. No doubt the pusillanimous, inept, and toothless SEC will abide by every twist that our governing masters wish them to bend.
Every day that goes by without an outcry from the media, the courts, the legislator, and the public (other than here-present), is another nail in the coffin of capitalism and justice.
So, while I cheer you for this nugget of information, I am much too jades to give it even a smidgen of credibility.


02/07/20 8:44 PM

#590997 RE: Wise Man #590823

What does this mean? How does this help us?