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02/03/20 8:52 AM

#11056 RE: gold80302 #11055

It's there if you search for them:

All we have been talking about here is risk. There is risk simply being in the stock market. Casino IMO. But if you get in the right stocks. Growth or dividend at least there is a return.

There is no return in metals.

I've mentioned the names of a couple high % dividend stocks in the past. And I've also mentioned how you can jump from one to another to chase dividends.

I am in monthly and quarterly dividend paying stocks. I only stay in the quarterly long enough to collect the dividend and then I am out and into monthlies than pay monthly dividends. There are returns there if you get in the right funds. And there really isn't as much risk in it as you would think.

Just the risk of being in the stock market itself.

Start digging for returns. They're there if you look.......


02/03/20 12:42 PM

#11063 RE: gold80302 #11055

As you are looking through stocks that give you dividends use this tool to help you see the potential returns:

They have lists that you can lean on. But I like to do my own research:

I am in a few on this list........

This is one aspect of my investing strategy. I dabble in many things and manage all my own money. Always have.

I am no financial adviser. But through experience and learning what not to do (Like buy enough metal to build a tank) I am doing pretty well.

I only put money I can afford to lose in High risk investments. Gambling in the OTC pinks is about as high risk as it gets, however the returns can be extraordinary.

But the "Base" of my investments, now that I am a bit older, is in return based assets. Lower risk.

I love compound interest. Make your money work for you!