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Sean Portman

02/01/20 3:06 PM

#121845 RE: FergusVI #121844

Many times throughout the day there’s a broker between the bid and ask. Usually at exactly the middle price. As in if the bid is .0053 and ask is .0059, the broker looking to buy or sell is at .0056. On this stock, when they are there, any order under 37500, will go to the broker. You can see this on the trades tab in the ‘?’ Column. Brokers are active here. In the scenario above, if someone was to buy 30k, at .0059 they would get .0056 price. If they bought 100k at a .0059 price, they would get 37500 at .0056 and 62500 (the remainder) at .0059. Only 62500 hit the ask. The rest was purchased from the broker. Same way when selling. If someone sold 100k shares at a limit price of .0053, they would get 37500 at .0056 price, and the rest (62500) would hit the bid at .0053 and they would get .0053 price for 62500.
You can see my scenario on the trades tab. I sold on the bid 30k multiple times and got the .00595 price. Not something I have power to do. That’s internally done by them. I’m simply aware of it. So the last 30k hit the bid and I got 57. At that point they’re gone. They will push down. Get on bid and buy at lower pps. And buy more. Active trading. Sell higher, buy lower, sell higher, buy lower. Capital will increase and you can buy more. Most hold on to they’re share so much and their pps so much that they allow MMs to valuate them instead of be active and realize the market is alive weather there’s any trading happening. This is my personal perspective and I hope I haven’t stepped on any toes of anyone reading this.
What I’m describing above is the same as the drowning hippo concept per say of Tal. Intuition and learning. Pass on expected pps and take what you have and actively increase your chances to win. I hope this helps
