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01/30/20 1:18 PM

#117211 RE: dss19552002 #117206

Good summary in terms of addressing the ludicrous market cap prediction!

There is one very necessary caveat to the underlying assumptions! SPRV has NEVER once claimed to be generating any annual revenues above $19 million, which is nowhere close to the oft touted $50 million, making the bogus market cap prediction even more outrageous.

SPRV's January 16, 2019 announcement was accompanied by the very conditional word "UNAUDITED", meaning the truth could be $10 million in revenue, but there was an "inadvertent" math error! LOL! SPRV's common use of the qualifier "UNAUDITED" is specifically focused on allowing CEO Lil Rod to LIE, without being in danger of going to jail!

OAKLAND, CA, Jan. 16, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SPRV Holdings, Inc., is pleased to provide this operational update on its 2018 business achievements and forward-looking objectives for 2019.

The 2018 year end unaudited revenues for the Company totaled $19 Million, compared with $16.4 Million for 2017.

In 2019, the Company intends to continue opening new last mile delivery operations in key markets, targeting one new operation per quarter...Further 2019 goals include 10 new seasonal operations, or “Pop Ups”, to manage the busy holiday season from October through the end of December. The Company has also set a high revenue goal target for 2019, intending to double revenue by year-end.

"Connecting the dots" clearly suggests the target of an "UNAUDITED" revenue double for 2019 had NO PRAYER of happening, since CEO Lil NEVER executed on SPRV's announced expansion plan. SPRV OPENED NO NEW DELIVERY OPERATIONS IN 2019 and the 10 SEASONAL POP-UPS NEVER MATERIALIZED.

The logic is pretty simple! When the revenue target is predicated on a specific expansion plan and the expansion plan is ignored, the announced revenue target will NEVER become reality! IMO, SPRV's annual package delivery revenues are likely closer to $10mm than $38mm, with the $50mm being nothing more than pie-in-the-sky share price pumping BS!

crazy horse 0

01/30/20 4:34 PM

#117213 RE: dss19552002 #117206

Web To Door is a DSP for Amazon.

Why do you think $14 Billion is a fair valuation for the company when the only number I've heard for revenue suggested here is $50 million. That seems a little high for valuation. Even 0.01 seems a little high, as that valuation would $140 million, if my math is correct, though I can see an argument for that valuation based on price to sales ratio if revenue is indeed $50 million. However, that doesn't take into account P/E ratio, book value, cash flow, and other factors like trading issues. I would think there would be a lot of selling at lower values given the immense profits to be made even at 0.001. I do realize that these stocks can move fast, but a move to $1.00 would be quite a move. To be the next FEDEX and UPS, this would need to be a national carrier, and that doesn't seem immediately likely, as they ave some of California and Utah now.

Good luck.