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01/28/20 10:12 PM

#181950 RE: THEBEASTMUGABI #181949

How many more learning curves are there going to be ?!

Look at it this way.

EVERY SINGLE TIME kim has tried to produce significant amounts of fiber there was an issue or outright failure.

I'm starting to believe this IDIOT is the wrong man for the job.


01/28/20 10:43 PM

#181951 RE: THEBEASTMUGABI #181949

And this was to be a period in which we were going to uplist? Very disappointing.


01/28/20 10:54 PM

#181953 RE: THEBEASTMUGABI #181949

I’m as disappointed as anybody but have just this morning been reading up about how temperamental & sensitive the worms are. After reading, I’m not surprised that they’ve had problems. It’s apparent that things such as cold spells, heat waves and drought could have an effect on the worms going forward. That would be the reason why we would probably need a completely climate controlled building once up and running. The up-front expense for such a building would be massive so I can’t say I’m surprised we haven’t invested in it already.

It sounds like the company has had a go and hoped for the best so as to hopefully get a result ASAP as opposed to waiting for the weather to turn good. Again I can’t say I’m too surprised at that either as announcing to KBLB’s battle weary shareholders that the company was delaying production for 3-6 months due to climate constraints would in itself have caused a massive drop and a great deal of discontent also.

It sounds like they were between the devil (delaying production and feeling the wrath of the SH) and the deep blue sea (taking a punt and hoping for the best) and they took a punt. Unfortunately it obviously didn’t go as hoped and they’re now owning up to the error in judgement. I’m a gambler at heart so I’d have done exactly the same myself. What did they have to lose apart from the relatively low costs from a failed production run?

My Wife saw the share price and worriedly asked me if this means the company has ‘failed’? I answered completely honestly that it is my firm belief that it’s just a setback, a delay but not a threat to the company’s long term goals. It’s disappointing but it shouldn’t affect the company’s ‘eventual’ success. We’ve learnt a lesson and are now in a better position before the aforementioned punt.


01/28/20 11:04 PM

#181954 RE: THEBEASTMUGABI #181949

you really think kim didn't realize winter was coming?...seriously?..

or maybe he knew winter was coming but did not realize it would be colder than summer?..

do you think he knows he needs money?...maybe someone should alert him of that fact before hes blindsided with it?...

lmao...the problem wasn't winter, cold or climate...or the fact that he just discovered worms needed food and he didn't have any...

its something else....maybe the same something they encountered in korea…

its up to kim to straighten things out and make it clear to shareholders just what the problem was...big little or small...we have a right to know..

something tells me they had polartec gearing up to receive shipments of product...wonder how disappointed they hate to see them walk away like the army did...


01/29/20 12:17 AM

#181962 RE: THEBEASTMUGABI #181949

Beast I am sure many will cuss me out for this but you are absolutely wrong.

Kim isnt the investor, you are. You are obligated to be as informed about what you invest in.

The information is easily available. I have posted it and have explained it many times over the decade+ I have been here.

It isnt the cold
It is the cold, heat, Humidity, air flow, gas content of the air, the amount of light, lack of light, water content of the worms, water content of the food, the type of food, the age of the trees, the age of the leaves.

ALL of this combined results in various differences in the silk from the thickness, smoothness, length, color etc.

This is why every silk farm on the planet including ours has various grades of silk that need to be seperated by a master silk inspector.

Everyone is blaming Kim because they held an overpriced stock.
They only held because they fooled themselves into thinking millions of silkworms must spin fibers of gold.

Fact is that this company had not produced an ounce of product and has sold nothing yet somehow they let themselves believe it was worth a half a billion dollars and would be bought out for 10s of billion and many other fantasies.

The company is going to fail many times this year. Currently the cold is screwing up things.
My guess is our steel shack is not the most insulated and that while it may feel fine to humans a 5 degree fluctuation while growing can ruin a batch of silk.

In the summer it will be the heat.
In between will be human error or many other things until they develop a system. Even then our 4 tons will turn out to be 500 pounds of 8 different variations.

Anyone blaming kim should take a few min to read the link below. Get informed. Know your investment. But we cant all just praise Kim as a genius when the stock is over priced, them blame him when the pps drops.

Anyone complaining who held from .30+ till now by convincing themselves that stocks never go down is being blind to their own faults and trying to pass their own faults on to Kim.

But by dealing with this investment as stated above I have not lost a dime on KBLB this year or ever.

KNOW what you own.