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01/25/20 3:47 PM

#589046 RE: ano #589018

Treasury will NEVER settle as long as they know they can get away with DELAY after DELAY after DELAY. DELAY is their game until HERA conditions of RECEIVERSHIP are met. Treasury/Federal Reserve work covertly behind the scenes. They create wars and booming economies at will and set themselves up to capitalize off it. They control the purse strings and EVERYBODY in Gov bows down to them, EVERYBODY. Hell, Federal Reserve is NOT a part of Gov, is owned by member TBTF banks, sets interest rates at will, prints fiat money whenever they feel like, are answerable to no one and are not even audited. 'Heaven' on earth! Do you really think they are worried about ethics? They set the ethics standard by which everyone else falls in line to.

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws"

-MAYER AMCHEL BAUER ROTHSCHILD, Founder of Rothchild Banking Dynasty

Correct, the odds of a settlement never have been higher, plus how can you go to trial with a sealed case and thousands of interested people, and the ethic problems that will give