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01/22/20 6:59 PM

#4732 RE: Ctrxman #4731

I called for a dump last week before it dumped. I said most likely a dump coming. I’ve called 80% of all dumps in the last six months for this stock. Including the heinous dump from $10 to 7. I called that a week before it happened. I was ridiculed every day after I called for that dump by the usuals here and then it happed and not a peep from the moon boys when it did. it’s like they pretend it didn’t happen LOL .Other than them saying they’re buying more shares. although, they were saying the same thing at $10 so literally a monkeys trading strategy. The fact is if you followed me and sold and bought back after every time I called for a dump here you would be banking. I do agree that trading now is more dangerous leading up to the financials. We also have to consider this stock is up 800% for the previous year. It’s very possible if you were going to get rich off this stock it would have had to already happen. getting it now might be too late for those parabolic gains we saw last year.

only an insider at this point can tell what’s going to happen after financials are released. If those financials aren’t good expect a Major dump to five or six dollars. If the financials are great maybe we can see 11 or $12 followed by a dump back down to nine dollars. The crazy thing is this stock could drop down to five dollars and still be considered bullish. We have to ask the question do revenues match the current trading price? Probably not. And revenues probably won’t for years. Thats a dangerous combination and a perfect set up for major dumps that will cause many to loose their shirts here.


01/23/20 8:07 AM

#4736 RE: Ctrxman #4731

You stole my intended reply, Kanye always boasts about his supposed trades after the sp has already made its move. Never ever in realtime. He insults investors by calling them "moon boys" (I notice that THOSE attacks are left unchecked by the mods). Kanye may be a genius in his own mind, but he's a joke to me. Nothing but bluster.