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12/06/06 5:57 PM

#307 RE: shall143 #304

I looked back at the old pr's and other than these deals that were suppose to close in a (month), its almost verbatim. Look at the sequence of events, the nobo, the 8k, the pr's, the S-8 bringing the total he had to sell at 2bn. He told me on the phone we had 2.6bn shares prior to all this only to discover 4.2bn or whatever it was. He knew exactly how many shares were out there. He tried to tell me intially that the TA didn't give out information to the public. I informed him otherwise that this is public information.

I wonder if the share count has increased since the last update?. Businesses are flocking to Florida because they pay little to no taxes. It also looks like most have a free reign to do whatever they want regarless of the Sec. What a joke huh?.

Initially it was the best thing that could happen after the Great Depression. Today its way to small and has not kept up the growth of the market. Its dwarfed compared to the scope of it. Its like a small town in Alaska trying to govern the entire state.

A new entity needs to come on board today big enough, and with enough trained people and security lawyers to oversee this market. The Sec is obselete in its scale. If this new entity needs to get broken down into cities across the country something has to get done. The Sec is a farce the way it operates today and we need it. The states have to pick up the other end of this and drag these people into to court that commit fraud.

Most operate outside of Miami.