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01/22/20 3:11 PM

#295258 RE: NewYorker567 #295257

If bombing another country didn't make it flinch, firing the trigger man isn't going to matter.

This is all about the FED and liquidity.

Trump is just disillusioned with his own awesomeness that it is his doing.


01/22/20 4:21 PM

#295262 RE: NewYorker567 #295257

Well from what I've heard the odds of an impeachment are slim and none....

So once it's announced that he's totally innocent, might not that just trigger this ?

But I mean hell - that'd all probably get generated regardless (even if he DID get impeached) !

Fundamentals mean NOTHING......It's ALL just TA

Like get with "The Program" man....he-he


01/23/20 12:21 AM

#295269 RE: NewYorker567 #295257

Suddenly Google becomes something different !....

How to identify a stock market peak.....

How to identify a stock market peak ?
