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01/21/20 3:42 PM

#142030 RE: Trendliner #142026

Yes, the math is basic and the concept simple. Splits and reverse splits are also instantaneous.

There is nothing suggesting that there was some reverse stock split here today. It is all coronavirus hype.

I hope NNVC is able to capitalize (pun intended) on this miraculous hype to raise the money they need while the price is up (relatively).

The other miracle would be if someone (government or big pharma) was desperate and wanted to take a corona-cide (similar to the one NNVC produced in 2014) into development, and gave NNVC some money to do so:

TL, great news out of BLP today. "The SunCell engineering issues are largely solved." They showed 300 kW reactor running for hours at a time at 300 deg C internal temperature with huge energy gain on conversion of hydrogen to hydrino. Great day for humanity, and BLP investors. Time to go buy some tungsten?