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01/19/20 12:21 PM

#117034 RE: doubleeagle #117033

COMMON SENSE says the some of these cases do work.
I have received money on two of them
Lawyers would not do it if they did not get paid !


01/19/20 6:38 PM

#117038 RE: doubleeagle #117033

Cannabis compound could be weapon in fight against superbugs

Mice cured of MRSA, raising hopes of treating antibiotic-resistant bacteria

A compound made by cannabis plants has been found to wipe out drug-resistant bacteria, raising hopes of a new weapon in the fight against superbugs.

Scientists screened five cannabis compounds for their antibiotic properties and found that one, cannabigerol (CBG), was particularly potent at killing methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), one of the most common hospital superbugs.

Tests in the lab showed that CBG, which is not psychoactive, killed common MRSA microbes and “persister” cells that are especially resistant to antibiotics and that often drive repeat infections. The compound also cleared up hard-to-shift “biofilms” of MRSA that can form on the skin and on medical implants.


01/19/20 7:04 PM

#117040 RE: doubleeagle #117033

Why would these lawyers waste their time if nothing will come of it? Bruce was famous for his claims that have never been achieved. Remember him claiming that lower weed prices will be good for canopy? That hasn’t turned out to be true. But hey, you know everything right. You’re the only one in the world who knows positively that canopy is the best weed company in the world. Man I wish I was smart like you...well at least my sticky has proven itself correct.