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01/17/20 1:00 AM

#84017 RE: dms1 #84015

How long did it take for UDC, Intel, Samsung, Apple, Google, or literally any other company to come out the fray and insert themselves into the market successfully?


It takes time. They are a startup until they ultimately fail and cease to exist. The application of Assam, block chain, and they're continuous flow QD process only shows that progress is being made.

No company became known UNTIL they made themselves know, however long it takes to perfect they're process.


01/17/20 9:33 AM

#84031 RE: dms1 #84015

Just for giggles, how long will you believe and continue to say this (QMC) is a startup?

As long as it takes if it ever does like any other new technology we falsely believe developed over night?

How long was plug a start up, 20 years in operation years, no profit?
"In 1839, the first fuel cell was conceived by Sir William Robert Grove, a Welsh judge, inventor, and physicist."

How long are small Pharmaceutical companies start ups?
"On average, it takes at least ten years for a new medicine to complete the journey from initial discovery to the marketplace, with clinical trials alone taking six to seven years on average."

"While Italian innovator Antonio Meucci (pictured at left) is credited with inventing the first basic phone in 1849, and Frenchman Charles Bourseul devised a phone in 1854, Alexander Graham Bell won the first U.S. patent for the device in 1876."
"By 1900 there were nearly 600,000 phones in Bell's telephone system; that number shot up to 2.2 million phones by 1905, and 5.8 million by 1910. In 1915 the transcontinental telephone line began operating. By 1907, AT&T had a near monopoly on phone and telegraph service, thanks to its purchase of Western Union."