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ergo sum

12/06/06 1:30 PM

#52940 RE: Koikaze #52938

Money and its conflicting desires leads to a number of failed expectations. Those who presume market forces can and will determine a rational path leading us somewhere always seem to decry the government and it’s regulations.

The early champions of alternative energy could have easily lead us onto another path by now, yet we instead preferred to pay vast fortunes to Middle Eastern interests. That is a market decision, whether or not it is a rational decision, is another question.

Perhaps it is in fact leadership that we fail to find in our political system, or rather for our political system. The sum total of the Democratic and Republican parties has essentially been void of any real leadership for most of the last five decades.

“We hate commies.” Is not in fact leadership at all. Nor is “We hate islamofacists.” Those are simply reactions to failures, or perhaps reactions to the high stakes games of globalization, more money and conflicting desires.

For all the hopes and promises of freedom and democracy the very idea that our way of life is exportable is absurd. No one can rationally believe that two SUVs and a 2500 sq foot tract house will solve the problems in Africa anytime in the foreseeable future.

The myopic vision that sees all government programs as some for of socialism undermines the very need we have in this country for people who can lead us into a more promising future. It is not the system of government that is the problem here, nor is it the tendency for political alliances to want to profit from there positions. It is the lack of real leadership. People with ideas and ideals that can actually solve problems.

or something like that