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01/14/20 4:36 PM

#39159 RE: excel #39158

Democrats have really changed

1. They are anti gay and anti woman. Islam is in violation of the equal rights laws that Democrats fought so hard for. Christianity that is 600 years older that Islam did not get a free pass for any of it's lesser stances on women and gays. I guess if your group votes for Democrats, you get a free pass?

2. Democrats are now anti Black. Illegal Hispanics are pouring into the USA and many are getting welfare, free schooling, free healthcare, etc. Blacks are now working as a vast majority and paying taxes to help give all that "free stuff to illegals. My example is, Blacks used to pay and have to sit on the back of the bus. Now, whites are kicked off the bus, Blacks go back to the back of the bus, and illegals don't even have to pay to get on the bus. I guess if your group votes for Democrats you get a free pass?

3. Federal, state and local government employees make more money than the average private sector employees. They are bankrupting many states and will bankrupt the whole country eventually. They used to be called "public servants", now they don't like that term. I guess if your group as a whole votes for Democrats, you are allowed to BK the whole country, and the little guy at the bottom will suffer most?

4. Democrats used to stand for the working man. Now they just divide us up and go after our votes. Especially women, gays and blacks should all walk away. Government employees, hey I don't know how to handle crooks. The government unions bargain with higher up government employees who get the same percentage gains the union thugs get. That IMO is theft by swindle.