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01/13/20 10:44 AM

#587047 RE: imtheshadow #587037

Its likely Judge Sweeney has "other" responsibilities and "not just" to the (shareholder case).

Yes, I know...I tend to be impatient also. When I go to a resteraunt, I, too, expect the waitress and cook to "drop everything else" they are doing and wait on ME, because "Im in a hurry".

However, did I tell the waitress that? Well, er, no.

I found out the world tends to run "on its own schedule" not mine.

I think Walmart should be open "only" when I decide to go there, and they should clear everyone out, so I dont have to wait.

Nope. I dont think so.

The stock market (according to Warren Buffet) is a device by which money is transferred from the impatient to the patient.

I have found that to happen with other things also.
If Im patient enough to wait on a sale for what IM looking for, well I can get a deal.
But, if I expect the store to put something on sale just because I need it now, I will likely be disappointed.
So, you have 2 choices:
1. Patiently wait on Sweeney, the US Supreme Court, Calabria, etc., etc. and handsomely profit OR
2. Sell it right now or when "you" need or want the money.

Its your choice. The market is not going to alter itself to conform to your desire to buy a boat. Instead, if you want a boat, you need to be patient enough to wait until the market goes up, how ever long that takes.