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01/10/20 6:50 PM

#30283 RE: lucky, mydog #30282

While everyone was crying about the suspension, WE TOOK ACTION. “The SEC sent the letter via registered mail to the wrong PO. He's got confirmation on the correct company address and it doesn't match the one they sent to.” BOOM

2:56 PM - 10 Jan 2020
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Ploutos Investments

24m24 minutes ago

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34m34 minutes ago
Replying to @PloutosAssets
So SEC mis addressed it? It is the SEC's fault? Will ELTZ be able to prove this and get reinstated? I hope so.

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Ploutos Investments

24m24 minutes ago
They already did. Just a matter of when SEC lifts ban but lawyers expect immediately :) $ELTZ

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The Kraken

50m50 minutes ago
Replying to @PloutosAssets
Annnnd the receiving aignature doesnt match tecco. Confirmation, doubly confirmed.

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The Kraken

49m49 minutes ago
Replying to @PloutosAssets

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45m45 minutes ago
Nice! And boom!


01/10/20 6:51 PM

#30284 RE: lucky, mydog #30282

its another guys signature on that . wich was confirmed in the tweet i copied and pasted. SEC going after the wrong guy.