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$Money Bags$

01/06/20 4:34 PM

#46204 RE: investingquestions #46188

Why not respond directly to those who are in the know. I rarely check ihub lately so I know some don't want a rebuttal to the puffery they post.

1.The literal reason for the response is because the company should NOT be relaying information directly to investors outside of the safe harbor unless they have actual business with them and such. We at least agree on that.

The fact that nothing the CEO has stated has come to fruition other than socks is the reason the stock is bottom feeding right now.

2.The CEO should be running the company and nothing here should matter to him at all. If he ran a tight ship it wouldn't appear as if he was just running a failed ponzi scheme or fraud company. I'm not mad at him because most otc CEO are crooked, it is what it is. If you like losing money he's sure the guy for your investment for the last few years.

3.The stock photo thing wasn't a big deal, except that he stated he was doing a photo shoot for the new Hygieia line... and using others on the website/fb page to elude that the products were ready for release for EOY 2018, then pushed to 2019. It appears they actually had nothing.

We all invest in pinks knowing the risk. The share price is a DIRECT response to how much investors trust Alex right now. That's just what it is, but if we wait long enough, even that will pass, but... does that make him completely honest?