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01/04/20 9:37 AM

#28665 RE: Seventh_Level #28662

Seventh, your right and I can level with you on that completely, but your missing a piece of knowledge my friend, Joshua has a way of surprising people and he usually has stuff going on behind the scenes that go hand in hand with what he says. I’m sure that the launch party is ofcourse to bring in the people that already know this company and platform, us investors and stuff who are already involved but I’ll tell ya man, if making plans for for a launch party to make this product go viral is his plan, than there is a lot alottt much more deep in-depth details and stuff behind the scenes we don’t know. Josh is not a stupid guy, if he is going to tie the launch party in with time product going viral, he has a lot more in stock and planned than just a simple launch party my man, he has something big planned that will actually be a game changer for this product/platform and company. You need to look at the big picture and try to see beyond the words that you read because I’ve followed and been invested into this company since josh has gotten into office and from my personal understanding of the guy, he always has a lot of shit and big plans going on behind the scenes that is a very very big deal for the future of this company.

Think big, look beyond the words, there’s a big truth to what I am saying.


01/04/20 1:47 PM

#28668 RE: Seventh_Level #28662

See third paragraph for marketing plan from new released dec 17th

The initial marketing plan and an estimated budget of $50,000 has been crafted as a marketing plan for the demand gen, digital and social media components.