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01/03/20 1:40 PM

#180290 RE: golferman #180288

"This is why I believe an equity partnership with a large US corporation will be announced just before uplist."

I could see a VC taking a shot right about now...but I cant see a large corporation taking a position when kblb isn't close enough to fulfill what a large corporation would need..

and kim has gone all these years without seeing fit to borrow a dime because the interest and costs were too high..

a large corp would certainly see to it that whatever money they put up is money well spent...and they would make sure the advantage is all theirs...

that's not something kim likes...VC will want a big piece of the pie...that's why kim has never gone there...

I don't see any corp jumping in for quite some time..and I don't see kim being able to make a deal with one...

I suspect after negotiating with kim, most corps will likely walk away much quicker than the army did...