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02/26/20 11:39 AM

#374653 RE: Porgie Tirebiter #374637

It was dismissed "with prejudice" which means they reserve the right to pursue it again. So one can infer from that there was some sort of deal made she needs to fulfill.

Of course, the idea that such information would be shared with her shareholders is laughable.

Here's Some DD: "dismissed with prejudice," means (4th & 5th PARA Dn):

In the formal legal world, a court case that is dismissed with prejudice means that it is dismissed permanently. A case dismissed with prejudice is over and done with, once and for all, and can't be brought back to court ... A case dismissed without prejudice means the opposite. It's not dismissed forever. The person whose case it is can try again.

THE POINT ?? Donnell Vigil won the KC Enterprises lawsuit, Hands Down. How did she win it ?? It was *dismissed* ---Moreover, it had no grounds for even being heard. Last & Furthermore, The Plaintiff (KC Enterprises), has no legal right to ever bring it back up again. Anyone Can Sue Anyone. That "sticky," does not belong & it should be taken down. SOURCE:

The above is something few can accept; it's why we have a judicial system.