Me and you keep with this yeah old news...
But this is the time of year people look at stocks in trips...they know how to play this game I'll give them that.
Keep in mind they can't say it but the feco cures cancers. There is now abundant evidence of the fact. From Tommy Chong on down...cured. These dorks literally can't market the cure for cancer...back in my day this was a Holy people are finding out that they've known of the curative properties for half a century or more...but the alopaths that took over modern medicine scoff at herbal they had to classify it as a drug...because drugs cure; herbal remedies do not cure...they tried to call it quackery. Also allowed them to de facto make a plant of the most beneficial plants on the planet. Statute merchants make stuff illegal and then license or tax it. And profit off of people who violate their statutes. They then enforce blind justice...doesn't matter if you didn't do anything wrong.
If you want to see the effects of government mind washing look at the cops who are convinced they are doing the right thing by taking a cancer patient's canabis away at gun point.
And monitarily HEMP will dwarf "Marijuana" by far. But they successfully confused the issue on that too. But now people are waking up in droves...and some are a little testy at how badly they were deceived. Some of these turn into pot crusaders...
These guys, on the other hand, are good at selling shares...