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12/29/06 2:54 AM

#1298 RE: the_fund #1233

Posted by: the_fund
In reply to: None Date:12/5/2006 10:26:03 AM
Post #of 1297

Congratulations Longs

You have waited and your reward is at hand.

You will see why I said that very soon.

??????????? Not sure how to take that here on December 29th 2006. The message seems that if you're a bag holder then you just got screwed.... The PPS is where it was 1 year ago. Hope everyone flipped the heck out of it and made as much money as they could. I got my money back and then some. What a gem, NMCX. Trust them, never, not after this week. I was an investor here, now I'm out for blood and I'll flip this sucker as many times as I can...My mom owns a boat load of this and bought couple of yrs ago and is one of the bag holders, what a drag. I got no feeling for ya at NMC Inc. None/Zip/Zero. But I'll make money off ya anyway!!! Till ya either make it, break it and go out of business cause you don't really know how much ore is in the pits, cause ya never measured it.26% of What?//Drill the pits and get the true measurement of the Ore that was dug up 50 years ago, with no records on what was dumped in the Pits? How can you say that NMC has a certain quantity. Oh and by the way if 26% is 137,000 tons. It would take over 2 years just to move that in the largest truck ever made working all day every day. And then and only then you would be able to see how much ore you had left...Do the math... Sammy say scammy I heard before and this weeks PR validates that position with fact.
OR ya'll go to jail for Securities Fraud, but congress would need to pass some laws in the pink land before the SEC would enforce anything. IMO