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12/28/19 8:30 AM

#1908 RE: georgie18 #1902

Sad as I said, anything remotely tied to Trump from Coal to Steel to hard working people with conservative or christian values of past, is being attacked. More proof has been coming out too. Just in last year alone every liberal analyst or news outfit called for USA falling into depression and total destruction of markets, etc and fund managers, etc making $$$ off that- yet numbers show Trump economy stronger than ever...

Forget the amount of Institutionals still in X, as they are some of the ones "loaning" their shares for a fee to brokerages like TD, etc to give to these damn naked shortselling groups who all are making money- not the shareholders...

AND if word I hear in 2020 is correct, Finally SEC going to implement new rules against naked shortselling and shortselling in general.. It is all corrupt and way out of hands, as many companines are/have been repeatedly attacked like this killing their share prices and financial standing...